Moving Fast - Boulder

Moving Fast Technology, Machine Learning + AI, Boulder, meetup
Your task is to deliver usable, multi-platform software with limited or no budget in weeks. Mission impossible? Learn what others have done and the helpful new technologies and tools they’ve used to successfully deliver POCs and MVPs in short time frames. Get 3 different perspectives from people in the trenches who are moving fast: a CEO, CTO/VP Engineering, and Developer. More on

The CEO- Fletcher Richman, CEO of BubbleIQ –, Techstars 2018. Helping internal IT teams streamline workflows with a Slack-first conversational ticketing system that integrates with Zendesk and JIRA.

The CTO/VP Engineering – Sha Ma, VP Engineering GitHub, formerly VP Engineering at SendGrid and MIT Masters in EECS.

The Developer – Filip Valvera – Software Engineer at Filip will share how to build and deploy modern application and architecture from scratch in 30 minutes using Google Cloud and Firebase, Docker, Kubernetes, Redis, GraphQL, React or Git.

Join us!
Drinks and apps are on the house.

Komran Rashidov, Co-founder and CTO of
Komran Rashidov
Sha Ma, VP Engineering, GitHub
Sha Ma
Filip Valvera, Software Engineer, profiq
Filip Valvera